Saturday, May 3, 2008

Blog 6 day 8

Post away!


larry0109 said...

Chapter 15 Emerging China

(6) Is China a military threat to the United States of its Southeast Asia allies?

Yes they are they have 1 billion + people a lager and strong military and they keep all other sides out of there country. So what they actual have is a mystery. But there treatment of there own and in Taiwan. So yes this makes them a formable opponent. But they are a threat


Anonymous said...

Is Torture ever justified?

Honestly, I don't know any way to punish people other than to torture them other than the death penalty. I really believe being locked in a cell your entire life is a form of torture. Society has us believe that torture is inhuman but in many cases its much more effective as a crime deterrent. I guess the question is, would a year of torture equal a life time of prison. For myself, I would probably rather go thru a period of torture than my life in prison. I think I would be less likely to commit that crime with those kinds of penalties. Who know though, maybe exposure to those kinds of conditions would breed it into people. Plus, what about the people who inflict the torture? What kind of sick individuals would they turn into? All and all torture, I believe, is more of a deterant than prison or even the death penalty. However I'm my concern is the lasting effect of the people who carry out and received such punishment and when it would ripple into society. In todays world it may break the moral coil of a society which was already unhealthy.

Kerry said...

Larry, congrats on being done!

JC said...

Maybe my tone here won't come off as being too harsh.....

The government did not sit on its hands in response to Hurricane Katrina. I'm not saying that the response was perfect, but it is deserving of a bit more credit than "the government didn't respond."

Katrina hit the Gulf Coast on 29 August 2005. One of the governments non-responsive acts was getting the USS Harry S Truman underway on 1 September 2005 to provide support for relief efforts. Now, you might wonder why the three day wait? Well, 98,000 ton aircraft carriers, which happen to be strategic national assets, do not sail at the drop of a hat. I found out that we we preparing to depart Norfolk on the 30th of August and two days later we were passing the HRBT. 3500 people worked their asses off to get that ship ready to sail, aware that the possibility of doing a two month, unscheduled mini deployment was very real. We arrived on station on 4 September and immediately commenced flight operations to conduct SAR (search and rescue) and logistics support. Damn that slow government response!

Then there's the problem of people not accepting help when it came. Not all of the victims refused help, but those that did delayed help arriving to those that wanted it. A friend of mine was a crewman in a helo squadron operating off of our deck. He told me of being lowered through power lines to people that were stranded and offering to extract them, but they refused. The next day, he'd do it again, through the same power lines, RISKING HIS LIFE, and get the same response. Besides from making my friend risk his life unnecessarily, these people delayed folks farther down the flight plan getting help that they wanted. Damn my friend for not being responsive enough.

If you want to get the facts, google Katrina. Sure, were there shortcomings in the govenments response, yes. But it's about time for people to stop bad mouthing the government and the president at every turn and maybe give a little credit where credit is due.

I hope I wasn't too harsh.

PinK said...

For my last journal i'm going to talk about the decline of the worlds wild life. The World Wildlife Fund says that wildlife has droped 27% since 1970. They said that the biggest contributor to this is human impact. Some of the factors they talked about were overexploitation, polution, deforestization, introducing new animals to foreign territory, hunting and overall climate change. The World Wildlife Fund is trying to get the governments to help protect and take action to stop the drop in wildlife. They want to try to stop deforestation by 2020. All of this reminds me of the food pyramid or food chain you learn in middle school science class. To show the effects of what would happen if wldlife started to dissapear we all picked an animal or a vegetation, all with different aspects. We would all line up and do what we were soposed to do according to what we were and the teacher would interupt us and say "bla" group of animals are all extinct. When we started back up again for some it was a little harder to live as the animal they were, some of the animals thrived, and some just couldn't survive. After continuing, more and more of us were out of the game.Just think of the "Bee Movie" when the bees stoped polinating the plants didn't grow. If we don't fix the decline in wildlife and species we might be playing that game for real. The continuing loss of wildlfe won't just effect one place but the whole world and if we don't start fixing it now those problems will merge with global warming problems and cause one big delema.

Rusty said...

Terrafugia’s Transformer
The company Terrafugia is currently developing the “Transition”, a plane that transforms into a car which is due out in 2009 and will cost about $150,000. With a 20 gallon tank, it is expected to get over 25 mpg in the air with a top speed of 115 mph and weight of only 1320 lbs. The Transition will be powered by a 100 hp, 4-stroke Rotax which is the same engine that is used to power the rear push-prop plane and front wheels. It is also certified to run on a mixture with up to 5% Ethanol. Its maximum range is 460 miles at 75% power, which is required to sustain 115mph cruising speed. When in folded position, the vehicle measures just 6.75 feet high, by 7.5 feet wide, by 18.75 feet long. The vehicle changes for airplane to car, and vice versa, via a push button. It must be stopped and the engine must be off in order to transform. The vertical stabilizing lights double as rear taillights and indicators in car mode. A pilot’s license will be required to operate this vehicle and the pilot must be FAA certified.

Brown said...

I believe power comes with a great deal of money and china's becoming more and more established by the year. China has been plowing billion of dollars in export receipts into US treasury bonds, helping to stabilize the US money supply and keeping the lid on inflation and interest rates. America’s biggest problem is itself: economic irresponsibility; the budget out of control; and it is not investing enough in education and infrastructure and that makes the different.